
Garage Door FAQ

We’re happy to answer any and all questions you might have about your existing garage door, a new purchase, installation, or maintenance concern. To save you a little time, we’ve listed some of our most frequently asked questions below. Most likely, the answer to your question is already here!

Most garage doors stick as a result of one of the following problems:

  • Incorrect sensitivity setting
  • Dry (unlubricated) parts
  • Dented track
  • Misalignment of track
  • Temperature
  • Faulty motor

All except the last issue can be easily fixed by a careful homeowner with just a few simple items, like a ladder and lubricant. If you’re uncomfortable making your own adjustments, feel free to have us come out and take a look for you. Otherwise, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the cord – if you can move the garage door by manually handling the cord, you’ve got a motor problem. Call (614) 440 – 3667 and we’ll come to help you out.
  • Examine your settings – try opening and closing the door after adjusting the sensitivity settings higher and lower. Sticking can occur when you’re outside the sweet spot. While you’re at it, check your heater too. Low temperatures can cause problems, but a space heater should solve them.
  • Lubricate – get both the wheels and the track. If things get too dry, they’ll stop moving.
  • Evaluate your tracks – bumps and dents can jam the wheels. Using a wooden block and a hammer, you can usually tap out small deformations. Misaligned tracks require more work, but straightening them should help.

Squeaky garage doors are normally the result of metal pieces sliding against one another without proper lubrication. Luckily, it’s an easy fix. As long as you don’t mind a little grease, you can correct it on your own and win points with your spouse. (Another option is to give us a call. Bruce and his guys don’t mind grease.)

  • Step one: Check your supplies for lubricant and an old rag. Silicone spray is nice to have, too.
  • Step two: Search for stuck debris. If you find some, remove it and try again. If not, move on to step three.
  • Step three: Apply liberally to the tracks. Open and close the door a few times to spread it around.
  • Step four: Apply silicone spray to springs, chain, and wheels.
  • Step five: Wipe down any excess lubricant. You don’t want it dripping on to you, your car, or your other possessions.


  • They look good. Garage windows add character and beauty to your otherwise plain garage door.
  • Better lighting. If you plan to use your garage for activities, natural light is a nice addition.
  • Visibility. Windows allow you to keep an eye on your surroundings without opening your whole garage door.


  • Loss of privacy. If you want to keep your goings on secret, or you want to store valuable items in there, windows provide an unwanted peek inside your garage.
  • Cold. Windows don’t insulate temperature (or sound) very well. Expect to experience colder winter mornings if your garage has windows.
    In all, there are probably more reasons to have garage windows than to not. Perhaps the best reason to bypass them is if privacy is very important to you. If it’s not, we suggest you go for it.
Weatherproofing your garage can make it more comfortable and can also impact the temperature in the rest of your house. Weather stripping the garage door is a good way to help negate extreme temperature changes. Attaching convex rubber door stripping to the floor and weathering stripping around the door can keep that hot and cold air from moving freely. (The problem is that moisture could end up stuck, too, so you’ll need ventilation.) Tried that? If your situation is really bad, you can also add rigid insulation foam of at least 1 inch thickness to the walls. Paneling the ceiling with thin plywood and painting/sealing the garage door have a surprisingly large impact too.

Determining the best garage door opener for you is more about figuring out what you need than selecting a clear top choice. Here are the things you need to know before you buy. (If you don’t know the answers, then these are the questions you need to ask!)

  • Do you want DC or AC power? DC is more popular and more expensive.
  • What horsepower do you need? Too strong and you’ll overpay. Too weak and it may not be able to move your garage door model.
  • Which method do you want it to use? – chain, belt, screw, or direct drive. Chain is the cheapest (and the loudest). Direct drive is the opposite.
  • Are there any special security features you require?

If you’re a little overwhelmed by all the options, check out our favorite openers.

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